Tag Archives: costs budgets

Never in the field of litigation……

With apologies to Winston Churchill, never in the field of litigation has so much been owed to so few. I have been away from the world of blogging and most other forms of social media for some months. It has been a liberating experience which has allowed me to think about the world I used… Read More »

Who will bid more than £10 million?

Some time way back last year, there was dissatisfaction expressed in certain quarters that a two-tier system was evolving in relation to the cases which were to be the subject of the cost budgeting rules introduced as part of the Jackson Big Bang reforms. Put simply, while the “smaller” cases were to be subject to… Read More »

Predictions for 2014

A little later than normal, I have remembered it is the time of year for predictions. Usually this happens in December or early January so, on any view, I am a fraction late this year. The Society of Computers and Law publishes predictions gleaned from a number of people in the IT and E discovery industry… Read More »

Too soon to say

“It is too soon to say.” Attributed to the former Chinese Premier, Chou en Lai (or Zhou Enlai), this response was, probably erroneously, thought to have referred to the effect of the 1789 French Revolution!  These days, it appears to be more widely accepted that the words referred to the street protests in France and… Read More »

Gunpowder, Treason and Plot

The past week has seen Hallowe’en and Bonfire Night. Ghouls and spooks and the sometimes dubious game of trick or treat abound which shows how much has changed in this country since the days when virtually no one in England took any notice of Hallowe’en (although my understanding is that north of the border, the Scots… Read More »

Time to share?

Recently (July 10th 2013) I wrote a piece called Hang a Shingle  which featured a certain Casey Flaherty who is corporate counsel at Kia Motors America. My piece featured a short five minute interview with him by Monica Bay of Legal Technology News (Casey Flaherty on Tech Audits.) where Mr Flaherty discusses making lawyers undergo… Read More »


Once again we appear to have encountered a problem with email notifications to our subscribers. Many of you will see the posts anyway, either by logging onto the blog or by following us on Twitter where the links are always published but in case you have missed one or two posts, here are links to… Read More »