What’s all this about?

By | 12th August 2009

Charles HollowayCredit to Chris Dale in his blog post Sugaring the e-Discovery Pill (seventh paragraph from the bottom) for warning that “the only people who will read undiluted technical information are those who are already on side”. 

He goes on to say that “the audience we want is those who are not converted…”

I agree wholeheartedly.

In travels around the country visiting firms of varying sizes who are not always in the headlines, I find that there is great interest in the “technology” of electronic disclosure, but a concern and indeed an irritation with all the hype and the apparently impenetrable fog which surrounds the industry.

If the smart e-discovey blog is to achieve anything it needs to do more than preach to the converted. It needs to provide interesting and topical comments on the e-Discovery world as we see it, which will amuse, entertain and possibly also inform its readers wherever they are in the technology spectrum.

If it only attracts “the converted”, it will have failed!