I told you so

By | 7th July 2011

Readers of this blog will be familiar with McMillan v Hummingbird Speedway.

It was a case in the US  last year where a court ordered a claimant to release his user name and password to a Facebook site where it was thought he had posted comments about injuries sustained in an accident for which he was now claiming damages.

In various posts referring to the Hummingbird case [for example, Judge, please be my friend, 18th Jan, 2011] I predicted that this decision would be followed elsewhere.

A court in Pennsylvania has now followed this judgement in Zimmermann v Weis:

Zimmerman v. Weis Markets, Inc., No. CV-09-1535, 2011 WL 2065410 (Pa. Comm. Pl. May 19, 2011)

I wonder how long it will be before the courts in England and Wales follow suit?